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on “Sea of barley
One Comment on “Sea of barley
  1. This looks great, good luck to you on a successful harvest. What time of year do you plant barley and can you grow wheat and barley side by side?

    I run free range pigs and use both to feed the buggers so I’m always hoping for bumper crops!! With the current trouble in the world economy what do you expect to get for a tonne?

    David says, We generally plant barley from May through to mid June. I expect you could be planting in the cold country to late July because your season is later. Sure, you can grow wheat and barley side by side, in fact in years past we have seen barley regrowth in a wheat crop along with other weeds like black oats. I should have sold that crop direct to Kellogs. They might have saved some processing costs, blending wheat, oats, and barley together to make Nutri-Grain or even Fruit Loops 😉
    Tough question about grain prices, but put simply, I think there is too much influence on the markets from the big funds moving their money in and out of different commodities, and not enough true market signals about the fundamentals of supply and demand. As for a reasonable expectation of prices at the farm gate, currently I am looking at around $200 per ton for feed barley and about $300 for wheat. At these rates I can cover my costs and then some.
    We also run free range pigs (wild of course – they just love these crops). While harvesting fababeans last week we saw about 40 off the header.Thanks for your comments. Cheers

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