The grainshed has been key to our chickpea harvest again this...
Chickpea yields were very good averaging about 2.4 t/ha and the...
Harvesting late fababeans with flex fronts and air reels. A slow...
Some Cairo fababeans harvested over the last week.
We finished harvesting these fababeans today, with yields about 2.2 t/ha....
After rubbing out a handful of dry pods, these Cairo Fababeans...
Almost written off because of poor establishment and a tough start,...
The fababeans are being cut in 12metre swaths and will dry...
Spraying fungicide and insecticide today. Rain is forecast over the next...
Our fababeans have come a long way over the last month....
Peter Ricardo inspecting some Greory wheat planted mid May. Not a...
Chickpeas continue growing and flowering after 28mm rain twelve days ago....